Absolutes, Conditionals, and Lessons Learned from a Broken Dishwasher
We are told that very few things are absolute. I learned that if you see an absolute like always or never, especially on a test or exam, chances are it is incorrect.
However, God’s promises are full of absolutes!
Always and Never
These absolutes are beautiful and reassuring and should inform us about who God is and how we live our lives. If I believe these absolutes are true, what does this change?
If this, then that. I first learned this concept in math during grade school. Learning this has helped me navigate many things in life.
God said be anxious for NOTHING! Therefore, if I am worried about anything, I am not focused on God’s promises. (Philippians 4:6, emphasis added)
I pray, give it to God, and welcome peace. Lord, please help my unbelief!
My world appears overly complicated to some. I choose to believe that complications are blessings. Regardless of what I see and what I feel, God is working ALL things together for my good because I love Him, and I have surrendered to His purpose.
I often rely on both the ABSOLUTES of God’s love and the CONDITIONALS of what I must do as a result. Even in what may appear to be the most mundane of tasks, these are evident to me in all ways. Take washing dishes, for instance.
A few months ago, my less than 2-year-old dishwasher went down. Managing a pandemic, fixing it didn’t feel like a priority. I grew up without a dishwasher. We could manage. It went from merely managing to an excellent opportunity to teach my children how to wash dishes and advance their level of skills, decision-making, and collaboration. Previously, rinsing dishes properly and putting them in the dishwasher was challenging. Once again, I found myself with a seemingly minor task that had so many good lessons. The children are working together to solve problems. Clean dishes are a pivotal part of the inner workings of our household. How they show up makes a difference in how I show up in the kitchen and efficiently cook a gourmet meal for them. A dirty kitchen not only hinders my creativity and efficiency, but a clean kitchen is necessary, prompting conversations about food hygiene and cross contamination.
The process of being given a task and completing it from start to finish is an important one. As they grow, I am giving the children bigger and bigger responsibilities. For the dishes, we went back to the basics. It is important to know how to fill up a dish sink with soap and water and mechanically clean a plate. A few plates, bowls, and such have broken, but we are learning through mistakes. Mistakes and failures are a part of the process. Shame nor fear is welcome. Patience, love, and communication are keys to overcoming.
Together we have agreed upon the environment we would like in our home. We welcome love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, faith, gentleness, self-control, forgiveness, healing, encouragement, and promotion. This is the culture and spiritual environment we welcome in our home, and how we live life everywhere we go!
While the fruits of the spirit are gifts, we must cultivate them through how we live. The children’s work is vital to cultivating their spiritual gifts and our global mission. Knowing that our meals were prepared with clean utensils and pots on clean counters and placed on clean plates they washed is also a great way to contribute to the team, and I get to thank them for it. We are all working together to accomplish big things, starting with getting a highly nutritious and tasty meal on the table contributed to by all to be enjoyed by all. Together at the table, we share our successes, challenges, and recount God’s grace and goodness that day.
We are learning to rejoice in ALL things! God is in even the smallest of details. Pastor Mark Batterson often says, “it is our awareness that is missing.”
We are seeking God and finding him in ALL sorts of things, even broken dishwashers. May God become more evident to you in ALL things, even the seemingly most inconvenient of circumstances. In Jesus Christ’s name I pray. Amen.