The last post I wrote was nearly two years ago. I have been grieving, slaying giants, raising champions, and growing in faith. After so much time has passed, I questioned restarting the blog for many reasons. None of them are valid, so here I am.
Amazing things are happening in the midst of trial and change, and I am learning to trust in God more and more in the process.
God is love. No matter what I am experiencing, I am choosing to believe that God loves me. I believe that this is foundational for the rest of my experience. I am filtering everything through God’s love for me.
Through challenge and change, I have asked God many questions and he has answered me with robust expressions of love, grace, and hope. I have felt known and seen by my creator. I have been loved in a way that can only be experienced through Jesus Christ.
I am speaking God’s truth through my experience. I have a voice. My story is important. I share so that you are reminded that you have a voice, and your story is important. Our story is our testimony. And that is, in part, how we overcome!
I want God to be glorified in and through my life. I am experiencing heaven here on earth with increasing measures of faith. I am grateful!
I pray that this encourages you!