Autumn McKenzie

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Feeling Grateful

I could not see here from there. The hope and joy that I have today- I never imagined it would be mine- again.

This week I was interviewed for an upcoming podcast scheduled to be released next month. While I had a brief cameo on a podcast earlier this year- this was essentially my first podcast interview. I was nervous but prepared because I am living my life. My life is what it is. I struggle with labels and steroetypes and my whole life I have fought to break molds. I am unique. There is no one like me.

In the interview, I was asked to share my story. I am grateful for the chance to look back and appreciate the grace that was given to me. After losing my spouse, I completely leaned on God to get me through. From the depths of my despair, I was given peace. In time, I was given renewed hope. While I have accomplished and lost much- my life was just beginning. God has a plan for me

In the living of the day to day, it is too easy to loose perspective. Because of this, I have gone back to daily reflections and devotion. Upon returning to capacity, I often insert my way, my will and my desires up front. I must never lose sight of what God has done and continues to do for me. I am here by his grace and daily I pray for the courage to live this life that I have been given to live. Daily I make bold decisions to live life with urgency and intention because that is what we must do. Nothing should be taken for granted. Ever.

See this gallery in the original post