Autumn McKenzie

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No excuses

Scenario: Where is everyone else?

I am outside in the cold and wind walking with my two little girls. It was really cold. One of my girls remarked “where is everybody else?”

No Substitute for Hard Work

My response “Sometimes you’ve got to do it anyway. Even when nobody else is around. It’s what you do when no one else is around that really matters.” This is a foreign concept in the age of show all tell all. Fact is- we never see it all or show all. We get to see the highlight reel.

There is always going to be something in between you and your goals. Always. No exception. Time, effort, fear, geography, knowledge, lessons, and the list goes on and on.

How Bad Do You Want It?

Ultimately, the question is - how bad do you want it? What you want is on the other side of whatever obstacle you face. It is easy to abandon our goals with the least bit of resistance. What are you willing to do to get to your goal. I believe in the old adage- No pain No gain. Instead of an excuse, use resistance as fuel and push forward. If you do, you will reap great rewards. If you don’t- regret will be your story. What will be your story?