Is This a Game?

Is This a Game?

I dare say that the importance of athletics is underestimated by most.  Perhaps, even by athletes themselves.  I argue that there is a direct translation of skills from the field or court to real life that is often underappreciated. 

I will say that sports easily make the top five most influential things in my life. 

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Channeling Motivation

Channeling Motivation

Everyone needs encouragement and inspiration.  Motivation is the tough part.  What I believe to be true is that motivation is personal, something that is valued by the individual and accepted as truth.  Encouragement and inspiration merely appeal to one’s motives.

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Mind Heart Soul Freedom

Mind Heart Soul Freedom

I used to be a realist.  Now I am a dreamer.  Well, most days anyway.  Dream.  I will define it as the uninhibited consideration of the possibilities of anything.  It’s like brainstorming with no stress, deadlines, or restrictions.  It is mind and soul freedom at its best.  Free to wander, consider, and explore. 

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Best Self

Best Self

I needed to discovery myself again as it had been a long time since I had reconsidered my own happiness.  I was operating on a template that I had created years ago.   Who am I as an individual?  I had to find my joy and radiate happiness from within and not lean on others to fulfill my happiness. 

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Believe defined by Webster “to regard as right or true.” I believe in focused deliberate work.  I believe in celebrating the success of the work put in.  I believe in God.  I believe in miracles.  I believe in the impossible.  I believe in team work and the collective.  I believe in friendships and love. 

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