Peace, Understanding, Strength, and Weakness
Peace, Understanding, Strength, and Weakness
I have experienced the peace of God that passes understanding. It is because of that peace that I am walking bolder in my faith. As I seek God, I understand who God is and thus my purpose in life. Over the past few weeks, I have experienced disruptions in that peace. I have been seeking God for clarity. This week, I had a couple of meetings centered on prayer and praise, and I was able to gain further clarification. I am grateful to God's people in my life to pray with me through complex problems.
In the Fall of 2019, I was just beginning to apply urgency and intention to my spiritual life. I put writing my book on hold. God placed it on my heart that it was not His timing. There is so much irony in postponing a book on urgency and intention, but I listened. I was heading into 2020, open to the possibilities.
In my February 2020 blog post, Clarifying Motives, I began sharing even more about my faith journey. That same month I had signed up for a small group at my home church, NCC, called Praying with Power, but I had not started participating. I had begun reading The Circle Maker by Pastor Mark Batterson. I was emboldened to partner with God to liver bolder and dream bigger.
Later that same month, when my mother fell ill suddenly, I knew she/I/we needed prayer. I became acutely aware that I did not know which of my friends prayed to God in Jesus’ name. On March 4th, I sent out a blog, In the Midst of Fire, asking for prayer for my mother and my family.
When my mom passed and I stepped into her shoes to raise my niece and nephew, I had questions. While I am convinced that God has placed my niece and nephew into my care, I did not see myself as the ideal candidate on paper. Still, I knew God would provide, and I continue to cling to His promises. When my eyes are on God, I have peace.
Lately, my peace has been stirred. I do not have a name for it. If I had a name for it, I would call it out and find a promise to speak to it. And there you have it -- I am wrestling with my own understanding.
If not disciplined in my thoughts or words, it is easy to feel put out by these custody hearings. If I volunteered for this role and feel called by God to do it, why do I have to deal with this? If not disciplined with my thoughts and words, I can feel like I am unnecessarily hemorrhaging money with legal expenses, emotional energy, and my time.
If I believe that this is God’s will, I have had to take captive of my words and thoughts (2 Corinthians 10:5) and say, I trust you God that you are working all things together for good (Romans 8:28). I walk by faith and not by Sight (2 Corinthians 5:7)
So any time I think that I am not strong enough,
I remember I do not have to be.