Giving Thanks
/ Autumn McKenzie Jackson
There is an occasion for gratitude every day. I have some big huge goals I am working to accomplish before years end. The number of challenges I have been inundated with over that past few months is almost comical. I am grateful for the right perspective to get through them. I choose not to dwell on them, but I started writing some of them down so I can give thanks for making it through them. Then I lost my journal. The challenges are present to make the victories even sweeter.
I am grateful to see a new day.
I am grateful for the perspective that it is going to be a good day no matter what.
I am grateful for you.
I am grateful for this moment with you. You could be many places right now and you chose here.
I could go on.
May today and everyday we look for ways to be grateful.
All of my senses get a treat as I take in the magnificence of God that is most evident for me in water, especially oceans
I have had to do all sorts of learning, relearning, and unlearning during my life journey. My goal has been to get to some level of proficiency, ease, and mastery with whatever I am doing.
I am now
I have experienced the peace of God that passes understanding. It is because of that peace that I am walking bolder in my faith.
The last post I wrote was nearly two years ago. I have been grieving, slaying giants, raising champions, and growing in faith.