Is This a Game?

Is This a Game?

I dare say that the importance of athletics is underestimated by most.  Perhaps, even by athletes themselves.  I argue that there is a direct translation of skills from the field or court to real life that is often underappreciated. 

I will say that sports easily make the top five most influential things in my life. 

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Defining Moments

Defining Moments

Any given moment, I create the definition.  It is easy to celebrate victories.  I have had many and I hope for many more.  Adversity and failure are uncomfortable, hard, and debilitating.  Avoid it at all costs.  I tend to agree.  Who likes pain?  

The thing is- pain happens.

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Humor me, if you will.  I have so much to tell you!  So much so that I have competing posts.  I wrote a post earlier in the week and I look forward to sharing it with you, but I have to table it because I have been, otherwise, inspired:  Spring!

I can find parallels and/or metaphors for life in most things and this is no exception.  I see symbolism of renewal, patience, transformation and potential in the coming of Spring.

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