The girls
/They could not be any smilier. Alivia 7, Audrey 5
My Girls. My Sunshine.
I am often asked “How are the girls?” Today I offer you a rare glimpse at the girls. I suppose it is only fair, especially, if you haven't met them.
They are great! They are simply radiant. When we travel through stores, airports and train stations, I tell them to stay close and to pay attention. They do. Still, there are sparkles and sunshine that walk with these smiley girls and we can’t avoid attracting attention and conversation.
While previously successful by all measures, my intent and focus have been refined. Before this event, I think I took my skill set for granted. My girls would have had to passively pick up on my strengths and weaknesses. I doubt there would have been any formal discussion.
Historically, I am not a talker nor a writer. I am a great listener and confidante. This life experience has forever changed my approach to mentoring my girls and how we converse. I developed the following mission statement as it relates to my children. I will call it Mom’s Manifesto and post it in their rooms. They will hold me accountable and I them. They know their father was a remarkable man. Their resilience is admirable. Their insight at the ages of five and seven is exemplary. They are outstanding individuals and I am humbled to be the vessel that gifted them to the earth.
“As your mother, I will strive for an environment where you are loved unconditionally and free to be yourselves. In this space, you will ask questions, solve problems, develop independence, build confidence, and orient these things to your inner compass.
We will embrace mistakes as the learning opportunities that they are meant to be. I aim to facilitate the development of critical thinkers, excellent communicators and effective listeners.
I will model avid reading and lifelong learning. I will model grace through imperfection and perseverance through setbacks. I will model a lifetime pursuit of mind, body and soul building. I will encourage thought provoking conversation. I pray for the capacity to do this.
You are beautiful and brilliant. Dream big. Believe that anything is possible and that your potential is limitless. Find the fuel that keeps you inspired and honest. Pursue relentlessly.”
The last post I wrote was nearly two years ago. I have been grieving, slaying giants, raising champions, and growing in faith.