New Friends Old Friends
/“People may say- Do not make your problem my problem.
Friends say - Your problem is my problem.”
National New Friends, Old Friends Week
This week is National New Friends, Old Friends Week. How wonderful because friendship is at the top of my list of things to celebrate! I, literally, would not have survived the past several of years without my friends. Both new and old have coalesced to be the perfect safeguard for my mind, heart, and soul. I am forever grateful.
To my old friends:
You met me and I you. You know me and I you. We seek each other’s company by choice. We encourage each other. When we are apart we miss each other. When we are together, time apart seems irrelevant.
To my new friends:
Thank you for the moment in which we found common ground and the opportunity to share. It is easy to rush by moments like these and I appreciate you taking the time to connect.
To friends I have yet to make:
Where our lives meet, may there be a pause and a connection that forever changes each other’s existence.
I have met some truly outstanding individuals that I am proud to call my friends. I am but a reflection of the friends that surround me.
The last post I wrote was nearly two years ago. I have been grieving, slaying giants, raising champions, and growing in faith.