Merry Christmas
/Best gifts ever. Grateful.
Home for the Holidays
We are settling in for the holiday. No travel, just staying put. Christmas Eve dinner was our family tradition growing up and remains the big meal of the season. I have finalized my menu and made the last trip to the grocery store. Fingers crossed.
I love to eat. I like to cook because I love to eat. Few things are as satisfying to me as a good home cooked meal. My girls have expressed interest in traveling the world over and I have insisted that it start on the plate. We are not going to go halfway across the world to eat a burger. I do my best to introduce and reintroduce different foods and spices. While I have a set weekly menu, I do try to vary the preparation and/or spices. They are developing their palates and noses and it is a wonderful thing to watch it blossom. The other week I opened a new bottle of oregano oil. Shortly thereafter, Alivia came down the stairs asking “mom where are your putting oregano?” I was impressed. I had to ask her how she knew. She simply stated that it is one of our herbs in the garden. Nice, they are paying attention!
This holiday I am cooking with oregano, parsley, thyme, cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg, curry, all spice, sea salt, garlic, onion, bay leaf, mint and sage. These spices taste good but are also great for you. They are argued to decrease inflammation and boost the immune system. From curried chicken to meatballs we are cooking it. We will be broiling, baking and stewing. My girls are eager to help with it all.
Peace and Joy
I have placed a love seat and a large chair together and draped them with blankets for a cozy nook in front of our Christmas tree. At night, the girls and I turn on the Christmas tree lights and Christmas music and turn off the other lights in the room. We settle into the chairs to relax and listen to the music before we head to bed. There are a variety of singers covering classic Christmas songs and I am telling the girls my favorites. They can easily recognize some of the greats. This has been an unexpected highlight of my holiday season.
Soon our house will be full of family, friends, conversation and laughter. I am grateful for our friends and family that are present to celebrate Christmas. Christ’s birth gives me the greatest reason to hope that this troubled world has a chance. Enjoy your time with loved ones and may you find peace and joy this holiday season.
The last post I wrote was nearly two years ago. I have been grieving, slaying giants, raising champions, and growing in faith.