A Holistic Approach to Dentistry with Dr Yasaman Roland.
/The moment that you have been waiting for… the scoop behind my dental hardware.
I am introducing you to my dentist Dr. Yasaman Roland. She is awesome. I sought her out for my girls. I was looking for a naturopathic experience and she exceeded my expectation. I love it when that happens. She has taught me so much. It is so important to keep an open mind in all things.
I was happy with my smile. I had already pursued traditional orthodontics. As the treatment plans unfolded for my girls, Dr. Roland’s attention to detail spoke volumes and it just made sense! I have had neck pain forever. I never spoke to anyone about it. I have just dealt with it. Breathing while running has been a source of frustration for me since- forever. Clearly, I have to worked my way around it. I was a successful D1 Scholar- athlete. My pain was rooted in deeper causes that needed to be corrected for overall health and wellness. Oxygen was at the root of all of it. I jumped into treatment, too! I thirst for knowledge in all things. Once I had an understanding of what I needed, I was all in! This no longer became optional. It went onto my select list of what matters most.
So, what exactly does my neck have to do with my mouth? I’m going to let her explain everything to you.
“We take into consideration the whole body: bony alignment of the head, face, neck, spine, TMJ joints and remaining body parts. We consider important body functions such as the way we breathe and muscular balance. As a result, we create an environment that permits whole body health. We are not just focused on teeth. Since we are taking all the bodily components into consideration, each patient is examined and treated uniquely based on their anatomic and physiologic makeup. Therefore, we do not follow a cookbook approach or treatment but rather an individual approach.
Since we are creating balance between all the body parts, we easily avoid extractions and traditional orthodontic expansions but instead, we promote 3D modeling of the bones to set the body up to naturally heal and do what it was naturally intended to do. The beauty of this is that it is all noninvasive. One way we normally start this process is by specific custom appliance therapy to make the necessary structural or sculptural changes to promote natural growth for children and natural remodeling for adults. This is what we started with Autumn. As we continue to fine-tune her natural structural remodeling, we will later use her teeth to support this new foundation. With this she is achieving whole body rejuvenation and balance.”
Yes! Any more questions:)
The last post I wrote was nearly two years ago. I have been grieving, slaying giants, raising champions, and growing in faith.