1995 Men's Basketball ACC Championship team
/“This championship, this trophy is not ours unto ourselves”
This week, the girls and I headed down to Winston Salem, NC. We were invited to Wake Forest University to celebrate the 1995 Men’s Basketball ACC Championship team and Coach Odom’s Banner unveiling. Antonio Jackson, my late husband and the girl’s father, was on this team.
We received a warm welcome from former and current coaches, players, and athletic department staff. Everyone was so kind. What a wonderful way to remember their father, hear stories about his college years, and walk where he walked.
We attended the Wake Forest vs Georgia Tech game. At half time, each of the players was given a replica of the 1995 ACC tournament championship trophy. I placed Antonio’s trophy into the girls hands. They each held onto a side. Together they walked the trophy to the center court of the Colosseum with the team in front of thousands of people without reservation. They were beaming. I was proud of them. I remain grateful of God’s mercy.
I am in awe of it all. I am so happy for my girls to be a part of such a wonderful celebration that included their father. Everyone had so many kind things to say. I was so grateful to be included. I appreciate the Wake Forest Basketball team and the athletic department for being so gracious. It was a first class event.
The last post I wrote was nearly two years ago. I have been grieving, slaying giants, raising champions, and growing in faith.