Is This a Game?

Is This a Game?

I dare say that the importance of athletics is underestimated by most.  Perhaps, even by athletes themselves.  I argue that there is a direct translation of skills from the field or court to real life that is often underappreciated. 

I will say that sports easily make the top five most influential things in my life. 

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New Friends Old Friends

New Friends Old Friends

This week is National New Friends, Old Friends Week.  How wonderful because friendship is at the top of my list of things to celebrate!  I, literally, would not have survived the past several of years without my friends.  Both new and old have coalesced to be the perfect safeguard for my mind, heart, and soul.  I am forever grateful.

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Defining Moments

Defining Moments

Any given moment, I create the definition.  It is easy to celebrate victories.  I have had many and I hope for many more.  Adversity and failure are uncomfortable, hard, and debilitating.  Avoid it at all costs.  I tend to agree.  Who likes pain?  

The thing is- pain happens.

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Channeling Motivation

Channeling Motivation

Everyone needs encouragement and inspiration.  Motivation is the tough part.  What I believe to be true is that motivation is personal, something that is valued by the individual and accepted as truth.  Encouragement and inspiration merely appeal to one’s motives.

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Mind Heart Soul Freedom

Mind Heart Soul Freedom

I used to be a realist.  Now I am a dreamer.  Well, most days anyway.  Dream.  I will define it as the uninhibited consideration of the possibilities of anything.  It’s like brainstorming with no stress, deadlines, or restrictions.  It is mind and soul freedom at its best.  Free to wander, consider, and explore. 

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Best Self

Best Self

I needed to discovery myself again as it had been a long time since I had reconsidered my own happiness.  I was operating on a template that I had created years ago.   Who am I as an individual?  I had to find my joy and radiate happiness from within and not lean on others to fulfill my happiness. 

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Humor me, if you will.  I have so much to tell you!  So much so that I have competing posts.  I wrote a post earlier in the week and I look forward to sharing it with you, but I have to table it because I have been, otherwise, inspired:  Spring!

I can find parallels and/or metaphors for life in most things and this is no exception.  I see symbolism of renewal, patience, transformation and potential in the coming of Spring.

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Jumping in

Jumping in

Fear and uncertainty.  Yes, I have them, too.  This project stares my fear and uncertainty in the face.  I am a private, analytical person and I am embracing a project with a loose outcome, sharing my inner dialogue, and exposing my soul.  It is in line with what I believe, but contrary to my nature.

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Relentless pursuit must be tempered with patience.  Relentless and I get along pretty well.  Patience.  I always need more.  Hard work is essential.  Nonetheless, some things take time.  I am good at putting in hard work and watching my goal materialize.  When it has to do with matters that I have to either put hard work in then wait or matters that are outside of my influence, I struggle.

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You Have it Made!

You Have it Made!

Throughout my day, I like to take the time to make note of the people around me, especially during walks through the halls or down a sidewalk.  I find it very interesting the number of people that do not make eye contact.  In an empty hall or sidewalk, two people can pass right by each other failing to recognize the other’s existence. 

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Believe defined by Webster “to regard as right or true.” I believe in focused deliberate work.  I believe in celebrating the success of the work put in.  I believe in God.  I believe in miracles.  I believe in the impossible.  I believe in team work and the collective.  I believe in friendships and love. 

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